
專題文章 XOOPS升級方式跟wordpress不同,不像wordpress按個按鈕,網站就可以升級。

Upgrading from 2.5.5 to 2.5.6 Final:

  1. Get the right update package from the sourceforge file repository
  2. Overwrite files in XOOPS directory on your server with the content of /htdocs
    * make sure that you copy the content of /xoops_lib to whatever directory you keep it on the server now (it should be your current XOOPS_TRUST_PATH directory), then delete the /xoops_lib directory. There can NOT be two directories with the content of /xoops_lib
  3. Update the "System" module from the modules administration interface. Other modules, especially "Profile", "PM", and "Protector" are recommended to update as well


  1. 從sourceforge的文件庫下載,或是由本站下載中文升級包
  2. 上傳覆蓋主機上XOOPS文件目錄htdocs中的所有內容。
  3. 到後台模組管理界面更新【系統管理】模組。如果您網站有安裝【PM】與【Protector】模組的話,建議更新【PM與【Protector】模組。